About the Festival

From humble beginnings in 2008, Reepham Festival has grown to be one of the best loved music events in the East of England.

We are a registered Community Interest Company (CIC) limited by guarantee (Schedule 1) reporting to the CIC Regulator. No remuneration is paid to our Director or members of the organisation team who are all volunteers with professional backgrounds.

Our objectives are simple: to present a family-friendly, affordable music festival that delivers benefits to music lovers, local businesses and local charities.

Each year, surplus profits are donated to charity and we give local charities the opportunity to fundraise during the event. 

The Team

The Reepham Festival team members are all volunteers. We have a huge team on the field during the Festival itself, but here are some of the key players who put the whole thing together:

  • Tom Crisp, Festival Director
  • Mark Bridges, Finance and Sponsorship
  • Ben Pitcher, Design and Print
  • Brenda Gostling, Marketing and Communications
  • Mark Frary, Field Control and Vendors
  • Alec Moss, Website